Master the Interior Visualization Workflow!
From the client's brief and technical drawings to the final image and post-production. This course will guide you step by step through 3D modeling, materials, illumination, and more.
Over 100 Lessons in 15 Online Chapters!
I made this course to be your online resource that can be always re-visited. Over 14 hours of videos, images, slideshows, and written tips are there to provide the best possible learning experience.
Created by Blender Professional!
The course is full of practical tips and bulletproof, field-tested techniques. I've improved my workflow over the years in countless, real-life, commercial projects.
What does it look like?
You will re-create a real-life, interior visualization project.
This course ends the "forever hobbyist" approach. It is a step-by-step simulation of what an architectural project looks like and how to approach it. From start to finish. The techniques that I'm showing are exactly what I've been using in my day-to-day work as a 3D Artist. My team also uses these techniques. What you can see below are the end results of the main part of the course. The renderings are exactly what you'll be able to create if you put time and effort into following the lessons.
Here's exactly what you'll create:
Master the Process in 9 Steps
We'll start with converting and importing CAD files to Blender. Next, we will create an interior 3D model based on photo references and technical details. We'll then move to create CGI materials and realistic illumination. Finally, I'll show you how to render the final images and post-produce the results.
Step 01
We will start by understanding three project scenarios that apply to architectural visualization. You will learn how to choose the correct one and work with the technical CAD documentation.
Step 02
I will share my favorite technique for importing CAD files to Blender. You will understand how to set up the correct 3D project scale and start working on the base 3D model.
Step 03
You will learn how to use Blender's camera and re-create 3D details from photographs. It's a very important skill that will widen your 3D modeling possibilities.
Step 04
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
Step 05
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
Step 06
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
Step 07
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
Step 08
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
Step 09
You will learn how to create all the interior elements and details. I will show you how to manage a scene file, use external 3D assets, and use certain 3D modeling modifiers.
But there's more!
We continue to more advanced topics!
Once you get the foundations right, we'll jump into more advanced topics. In chapter ten I'll explain the basics of Blender's real-time rendering engine called Eevee. You will learn the benefits and best-case scenarios of using real-time engines. In chapter eleven I'll explain my architectural animation workflow in Blender. Finally, in chapter twelve I'll share my production tips and tricks on how to optimize your workflow. Below is a free video sample from one of the advanced chapters.
Here's what our students are saying:
"It's a nice course for beginners. You can learn how to start using Blender and how to do a basic interior visualization."
"Very good and detailed course! Professionally prepared, great for beginner Blender users and for those who want to improve their skills."
"It is an essential package for Archviz blender users. Many quality products, well optimized."
Why is interior visualization important?
It's one of the best skills you can learn today!
First - architectural visualization is a big part of the 3D industry all by itself. You may become a successful 3D artist by focusing on interior renderings only. But the skill will allow you to branch to many other industries. Product renderings, virtual showrooms, VR/AR applications. All these industries would accept your interior visualization skills.
Second - interior visualization in Blender is a great skill to learn if you want to be a freelancer. Most companies prefer the flexibility of hiring freelancers. You can also get ahead of other 3D artists by using Blender which is 100% free.
Third - interior visualization skills will increase your market value as a 3D artist. Not only will you be able to accept a completely new range of projects. Companies are more willing to hire artists with architectural aesthetics and technical knowledge. You can develop these skills much quicker when following a guided, step-by-step process.
You either start accepting new projects and job opportunities...
...or continue struggling with the lack of clients.
We all know that finding a new client is not easy. But not getting a client because of the lack of skill? That's something you can only blame yourself for. And that's something you can definitely fix!
You either become more competitive as a 3D Artist...
...or lose the opportunity and let others get ahead of you.
Interior Visualization in Blender is a niche that gains popularity day after day. Starting early will not only get you ahead of the others. The sooner you learn the process, the faster you'll get better at it. It's like planting a seed - some things need time to grow. But the sooner you plant the seed, the faster you'll enjoy its fruit.
You either adapt to the remote work-oriented world...
...or pray that it doesn't affect your business and well-being.
The world has changed in 2020, there's no doubt about it. For some, it was a year of defeat. For others, a year of growth and winning. Does your current position as a 3D Artist feel secure? In 30 days from now, you could have a completely new, important skill within your 3D arsenal. And that new skill will increase your chances of getting through the hard times we've now entered!
5 Myths of Architectural Visualization
If you already failed to learn interior visualization - it is most likely not your fault! Let me explain - you tried doing it the old way, not even knowing where to start. You picked some tutorials here and there and listened to some "gurus" of the industry. The result - we can both guess. When faced with a real client, the anxiety from not having enough experience was too strong to accept the job. In fact, you're not even an architect and never created anything other than your hobby side projects. Right?
The truth is - you failed because the "pros" of the industry never explain the process they use in their daily work. Some of the industry "gurus" don't even do interior renderings for a living, yet they still pass their "knowledge" to others.
What I try to do in this course is to challenge these common problems. I've been doing renderings in Blender for a living for over a decade. I've trained many 3D artists who now do it for a living as well. Interior visualization is a skill like any other and you will be able to learn it too.
Myth 1: You need to be an architect to do it.
The truth: interior visualization, if learned correctly, is on the easier end of 3D graphics. Most people doing architectural visualization do not have any related education. Frankly speaking, a lot of the "pros" of the industry don't have any higher education at all.
Myth 2: Professionals don’t use Blender.
The truth: That's one of the biggest lies of the 3D industry. Just look at the images from the Chocofur User Gallery, created by other Artists. Blender is not only more than capable when it comes to photorealistic renderings. It is the only 3D software allowing you to do this completely for free! The criticism always comes from the 3D "pros" who got stuck in their creative bubble 10 years ago. These people want you to think that interior visualization is some special skill that only a few chosen ones can learn. A skill that can be only practiced with the "industry standard" tools. Thankfully, these are the 3D myths of the past decade.
Myth 3: You don't have what it takes.
The truth: I never considered myself to have a talent in architecture. That didn't stop me from doing it for a living for over 10 years! To be honest, talent can only help you progress slightly faster than others. In the end, it all comes down to learning and applying the process.
Myth 4: You need years of practice to get good.
The truth: only if you try to learn it the old way. It is possible to create good-quality interior renderings after just a few weeks of practice. As I've already mentioned, it all comes down to understanding the process. It is true that your image quality will need some time and practice to get better. But with the right foundations and techniques, this will happen much faster.
Myth 5: You need a high-end PC to create.
The truth: you will be able to create the main interior renderings from this course using a laptop such as MacBook Pro. A better workstation would definitely speed up your work, but it's not required to learn the basics.
Why would you trust me?
I'm Lech Sokolowski and over the past few years, I've grown Chocofur from a one-man company to a small, remote 3D agency. My Blender-focused YouTube channel had over 2.0 million views in just over 2 years. My Absolute Beginners Course for Blender 2.8 has over 170.000 views. Our Chocofur Store has over 50.000 users and helped Blender Artists earn millions of dollars from creating architectural renderings. You can see the works of people using Blender and our 3D assets in the Chocofur User Gallery. I've also been a speaker during the official Blender Conferences. You can watch my talks here, here, and here.
How it all started...
My adventure with Blender started in 2007 when I was an architecture student. I was always drawn more to making art rather than designing and that led me to learn 3D graphics in Blender. Before I graduated I was already working full time at a company called Evermotion. They specialize in architectural renderings and asset creation for various 3D software.
In early 2011 I decided to try my luck and become a freelancer. I've already had an architectural background and a lot of 3D graphics experience. Still, that didn't help with my anxiety! How will my 3D skill stand when I face a real client? Will I be able to make it on my own?
I've been in your shoes...
I know what you may think. "If that guy was in doubt, despite his architectural and 3D background, how am I supposed to succeed?" I understand your fear! I was struggling for the same reasons you do. I never had a chance to learn how to create interior renderings in a clear, organized way.
A few years later down the path of freelancing, I started getting more and more projects. I realized that I was not able to do it anymore all by myself, but I had a "problem". Some clients liked my visual 3D style to the point which made it impossible for me to outsource the work to others. They only wanted to work with me!
Finding the solution...
I knew I wanted to grow my business and work with other people. As I've been improving my 3D workflow year by year, in 2016 I decided to try teaching others. My first student was my sister who also studied architecture at that time. She wanted to create architectural visualizations but didn't where to start. After a few weeks of work, her results were very promising!
In the next few months, I was able to increase the size of my visualization team to a group of 5 freelancers. Since then we've been working together on many different projects for various companies. You can see more work samples on our Studio Website.
► The course was made in Blender 2.80. Is it still up to date?
There were some changes introduced to Blender since I've finished the course. I am covering the most important ones in Chapter 13. But most of the techniques that I teach are universal enough to be used in any Blender version! What might have changed are some keyboard shortcuts or Blender interface layouts but don't worry. You can always download the exact same Blender 2.80 version I was using when making the course. It's included in the downloads section of Chapter 01.
► What are the system requirements to complete the course?
The hardware I was using when preparing the course was a Windows 10 Laptop with 32GB of RAM and a GTX1070 graphics card. I was also able to re-create the main 3D scene using 2017's MacBook Pro 13-inch (the touch bar version). I'm pretty sure if you own anything with similar specifications, you'll be ready to complete the course. However, when it comes to the Apple hardware, you may experience problems when working with the Eevee rendering engine. The keyboard shortcuts I'm using are also more Windows-friendly. You might need to figure out some of the MacOS shortcuts yourself.
► I've never done architectural renderings. Is this course for me?
If you're already a 3D Artist working in Blender this course is exactly for you! First, you already know Blender so adapting a new 3D skill will be much easier for you. Second, interior visualization is something that every creative person can learn. With the right foundations, it won't take ages but rather a few weeks. Third, this new skill will boost your confidence as a 3D artist and allow you to accept a whole new range of projects and clients.
► Is it really possible to make professional renderings in Blender?
The shortest possible answer - of course, it is possible. Check out our Chocofur User Gallery. All images featured there were made using Blender and Cycles rendering engine. You have to remember that software is only a tool. What gets you the desired results are workflow and experience, and this is what I'm trying to teach in this course.